Announcing the release of “Your Next Chapter: A Women’s Guide To A Successful Retirement

After two years of hard work, my coauthor Dr. Mary R. Donahue and I finally finished writing our second book this year.

Despite the unusual and difficult circumstances brought about by the pandemic, perhaps 2020 is a good time to publish this work.  Our national and global situation has unexpectedly forced many to consider what life in retirement might be like.  No longer going to work, home with a partner, children, maybe parents…being at home for an extended period of time has provided many with the opportunity to envision life in retirement, and may cause some to retire earlier than they planned.

Since World War II, women’s roles in society have dramatically changed. Today, they excel in careers such as science, engineering, business, medicine, law and even sports. This has provided them with retirement funds and with these funds, the need for important decisions.

Just as men have historically done, today women who have had rewarding work lives are now facing decisions about retirement that have both emotional and financial challenges which can be daunting.  Many have been balancing work with family responsibilities.  They have been able to multitask successfully because of their inner strength, as well as their ability to deal with change and take on challenges. Your Next Chapter provides women with the information they will need in order to be successful in navigating this complex time in their lives.

In Your Next Chapter we speak to this topic from personal and professional experience. In our prior best-selling book, On Your Own: A Widow’s Passage to Emotional and Financial Well-Being, we helped women through the transition to life on their own.  In this new book, we once again guide women through a major transition in their lives.

Using the hypothetical examples of four women in different situations, Your Next Chapter is designed to steer women on their personal journey in this new phase of their lives.  It walks readers through the decisions they need to make and explores the choices available to them, such as:

  • Understanding their financial situation
  • Adjusting to a life without a professional identity
  • Identifying what they’re feeling and recognizing how it impacts them.
  • Developing a plan of action to meet emotional and financial needs
  • Health factors to consider
  • Developing structure and purpose in retirement
  • Managing family and social relationships

After so many years of working, raising a family and more, all women deserve to have the retirement they choose. In Your Next Chapter, women will find the answers to the concerns they have and will face at different times.  They also will be reassured that they are not alone, as so many other women are dealing with the same issues.

Your Next Chapter: A Woman’s Guide To A Successful Retirement  is available on Amazon for $19.99.  We hope you will order it, read it and share it with your friends!  For additional information, visit our website

Readers’ Comments About “your Next Chapter: A Woman’s Guide To Successful Retirement

I want every woman in her 50s and 60s to read this book because the challenges start early and it’s best to be educated and prepared.  Instead of being paralyzed by fear, the solutions are to face up to realities—both financial and psychological—and get good trusted advice for this next stage of life. The place to start is Your Next Chapter.”

– Terry Savage, Nationally syndicated columnist

Practical, jargon-free and confidence building…If you’re thinking ahead to retirement, about to retire or even some months down the road of retirement, this book is for you.”

– Nancy, retiree, published author

I have been waiting for a readable and accessible retirement book that meets my needs. This is it. This book serves as a wonderful road map—to both plan for your next chapt3r as well as to evaluate how you are doing along the way.”

– Kathy Welton

This book is a wonderful tool to help one’s transition to retirement.  Well worth the read.”

– Lisa

While framed as a guide for women, much of the material is just as relevant and useful for men…The book includes critical information presented in language which is easily understood and unencumbered by jargon.”

– Edward J. Beckwith, estate planning attorney


By Alexandra Armstrong, CFP®, CRPC®
